It has been a very busy month! So Busy I could hardly find time to post anything, please forgive me.
We have had several school assemblies this month. Our good friend Sandy Kneffel and her monkey Kumba joined us as we talked about Honesty using Core essentials. We have one more school assembly left this month.
Learned way more than I wanted to know about Child Abuse at our teacher training given by the Children's Advocacy Center. I am so thankful for those who serve, protect and advocate on behalf of the children in our communities.
Helped remove lice from a sweet family associated with one of our local schools.
Attended the Food Show in Gatlinburg to pick out food for camp. I sampled so much food I thought I was going to bust. I had a great time hanging out with a few ladies that I love to work with, Debbie, Carol & Sandy. We also made so new friends that work for Reinhart foods and were recruited to help greet and hand out goodie bags with them. It was a fun time.
Helped Celebrate my Sweet friend Angie Bundy's Birthday.
The Fuse 56 Retreat: Sleep with the Sharks was lots of fun. We studied the book of Daniel and learned how to resolve to be like Daniel and live for God! It was pretty cool watching all the sharks swim above our heads as we drifted off to sleep.
Enjoyed some girl time and laughs with facials & fondue with a few friends.
Did some major Bible studying in Chattanooga at the Precepts Ministries campus. I took classes on the Old Testament, The New Testament, Spiritual Gifts & Bible timeline: How the Bible fits together.
My favorite class was Bible timeline, however, my hands may never recover from all the notes I took. While I was there, Jack Authur, co-founder of Precepts celebrated his birthday and it was a privilege to be there and celebrate with him.
Planned, practiced and costumed with all those acting out the Easter Story for Children's Worship. We are so very blessed to have such dedicated teens to help teach our children. I am forever thankful for all those who serve in Children's Ministry and help impart God's word each week.
Met my new friend, Kevin, while serving dinner at the Salvation Army. Kevin is a sweet soul. The children had the opportunity to lay hands on him and pray for him as he is trying to figure out God's will for his life. With the help of a few friends, we found him a place to sleep for the night equipped with a shower and laundry facilities. He is going to help work at The Branch House, an outreach and recovery center under construction by Celebrating Freedom, tomorrow. Asking you to lift him up in prayer even as you are reading this.
Whew, I am tired just thinking about all that has happened this month. I am also so blessed to be apart of all of it. This week is full of preparation for Easter. The children at Celebration Church will experience the sights, sounds and smells as the experience "The Jerusalem Marketplace", complete with carpentry, jewelry making, weaving, a scribe shop, bakery and Live animals. So excited for our children to be able to experience 33 AD as we reenact the Easter Story!