I am so thankful to say "Good-bye" to this week. Resembling the book of Job and quite possibly Lamentations, I am certain there is a lesson glean.
We had a great time of family bonding last weekend. We spent some time doing absolutely nothing near Grandfather mountain. It was a much needed time of rest. I actually fell asleep three different times in one day. We stayed until the very last minute.
We left on Monday... and the week began!
Monday = The transmission started acting up on my van when we got into Blountville. We unloaded the van and made it to the Honda dealership. The service department test drove the van and the transmission totally went out on them. They had it towed back to the dealership. I know the poor guy was trying to avoid telling me. Especially after I had cried on him a couple weeks ago. We got the 4,000 dollar estimate to have it fixed. I cried and my husband went nuts. My van only had 103,000 miles on it. We went home while the dealership called North American Honda to see if they could give us a break on the price.
Tuesday = My husband left to go out of town, leaving me to drive my father in-laws Crown Victoria. We affectionately call it the hooptie, because it feels like I'm driving a low riding gangsta car. Please understand, I am thankful I had something to drive.
Madeline, My daughter, had an Orthodontist appointment. That cost us 2,800 cash on Tuesday and that was just the down payment! Afterward, we had a school outreach. I cried all day.
Wednesday = Had to pay the Property Taxes :( ouch! I cried again, most of the day. My husband was so worried he sent me three sweet texts checking on me.
Thursday = The Honda dealership called and said they could put a new transmission in for $2000. They gave me a black Honda accord to drive while they fixed my van. I was so happy I hugged the service manager. His name is Tony and he is pretty high on my "like" list right now. Praise Jesus! We had another school outreach on "Honor" and my husband returned home from his business trip.
Maybe things were starting to look up!
Friday = Oh No! There was Friday... I woke up feeling terrible, sore throat, chills, achy muscles. I can't be sick! I have church this weekend. I went to the urgent care to "nip it in the bud". I found out that I was contagious. I asked the doctor if I could teach this weekend and she asked what age I was teaching. That was a red flag! I reluctantly told her I was a Children's Minister and would be around 4 year old through 6th graders. She smirked and then said she would write me a doctor's excuse and to stay away from children for 48 hours. Not good!
I went to fill my prescription and the medicine was $150. I politely asked that they call the doctor for a generic. While I waited for my new prescription to be filled, I called and text for desperate back up relief for the weekend services. I went to church and loaded all the music for the weekend onto the computer and prayed. After I had retrieved my prescription, I went home, soaked in a hot bath, took my antibiotic and then fell asleep.
Saturday = The girls had some friends to play with. They had actually spent the night with us. I know it is crazy but, everyone in their house was throwing up so I suppose we were the lesser of the two evils. It was a beautiful day, but I felt terrible:( Macey, my youngest daughter, played outside with her friends all day. It was a blessing that she had friends to occupy her and that it was such a beautiful day for them to play outside. Madeline was able to hang out with a dear friend from Charlotte at her friend's grandparents store.
All was well until I realized we were out of hot water. Oh yes! my husband had forgotten to call the propane company to refill our tank last week and we were out of hot water! (My husband was in hot water with me. LOL) I called the emergency hotline and had propane delivered. Of course, it was an extra $100 to have our tank filled on the weekend.
So... I am officially saying "Good-Bye" to this week!
If you can say a prayer for all those filling in for me at church this weekend that would be super :)
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