Tuesday, March 13, 2012

10 minutes of madness

We had an outreach at an Elementary school today and oh my! It was madness.  We were working away in our office and looked up to see that the time was 12:30 and our outreach started at 1pm.  So, we quickly loaded all the sound equipment & signs and headed to the school.  When we arrived, we realized that we did not have the projector.  We had all rode to the school together in my van so I gave Sandy the keys to my van to run back to school and get the projector.  After she left, I realized that we also did not have a sound cord attachment that we needed to make our sound play from the computer to the sound system.  I did not have my phone because I left it at church on my desk.  My oldest daughter, Madeline, did not have her phone because she had left it in the van.  I went to the school office and tried to call Sandy.  No answer.  I tried calling the church office.  No answer.  I went back into the gym where we were doing our outreach assembly and my youngest daughter, Macey, said "Hey mom you can use my ipod to call.  I have a new calling app."  I called Brandi Wells, who works part time with us in the Children's Ministry, I asked her to call Alan, her husband, and find out where the cord was and then call Sandy and tell her where to find it. Brandi said she would call but could not look for it because she had ran to to dollar store.  I called the church office again and this time Muriel, the church secretary, answered the phone.  I told her my dilemma in a panic.  Muriel then went running through the church to find Sandy.  Sandy was running in opposite directions trying to find the projector. Mr. Tim, who is over the facility, helped Sandy find a projector.   Sandy then found my phone on my desk and used it to call Alan Wells, who knew where the cord was.  Alan had already talked to his son Zach.  Zach had fetched the cord for us. 

In the end, Sandy came barreling into the school with the projector.  I asked if she got my message about the cord and she said yes but that her phone had been at the school in her laptop bag the entire time I was trying to reach her.  Children were pouring into the gym for the assembly when Zach came running in with the sound cord.  I asked Sandy "Where did he come from??  How did he get here??"  I knew his mother was at the dollar store and Zach has his learners permit to drive but what car did he drive?  Did he run from church to the school?  We got everything set up and the my daughter, Madeline came in and said that Mr. Tim had driven Zach to the school with the sound cord.  LOL
It has been madness!  The funnest thing is... after we had finished the assembly the principal asked if we were going to be able to come back every month next year to do assemblies. :)


  1. After reading this post (lol)...all I can say is..."Isn't God good" !!!
    I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

  2. Melinda, you are cracking me up! You have inspired to me get back in to my blog. I need to be more diligent in keeping up with it. Since I don't get to see you guys alot this is a neat way for me to keep up with what is happening with all of you!
