Thursday, March 8, 2012

I FINALLY beat the brick!

I have to admit I was a bit worried when I first started tonight because my husband decided to go with me and watch me swim.  LOL, no pressure :)  He laughed when I walked in and the children were waving at me. 

I turned out to be a good practice.  I did the 300 meters and then I actually made it 2 laps the the 10 lb. brick without drowning myself!!!  Yeah!  Then, I worked for 30 minutes with the swim coach practicing retrieving the brick from the bottom of the pool.  I retrieved it in 9 ft and in 12 ft :)  I also swam across the 9 ft two or three times with the brick.  I just might pass the lifeguard test after all.  I was pretty proud of myself so when the swim coach asked if I was ready to try swimming back across the pool after retrieving the brick,  I told him I was going to go ahead and stop while I was ahead.  I will save that for another day. 

If beating the brick wasn't good enough to made this a great day, I also had the privilege of doing another school assembly at Central Heights Elementary today.  Kumba, my monkey friend helped me.  I just love that sweet monkey!  AND... we were asked to go to another new school for an assembly :))
Good Times :)

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