The llama trek was a success. We hiked for over three hours and no one really complained. The 5th & 6th graders on this Fuse 56 retreat were very much amused by the llamas. None of the llamas spit on any of the children, however, two children did get showered by a llama sneeze:). The only person that was kicked by a llama was ms. Sandy, lol. Not sure why she was kicked but Brandi Wells said she was glad the llama kicked her after we had to hike up hill for so much of the trek.
After the trek, we stopped at a zoomers gas station an bought 30 slushies. That was fun! All the children went in and got slushie and then i stood at the door and counted them as they left so i could get an accurate slushie count for our purchase.
The time share salesperson out side of zoomers must have been entertained by us because as we were leaving she gave us free tickets for glow in the dark putt putt! Fun!
We returned to our cabin and somehow managed to make sure all 28 children were bathed. That was a miracle in its self (we only had two showers). Had an awesome time of worship and teaching. Joe Emmert spoke on love, love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind & strength and live your neighbor as yourself.
Then we loaded the vans to eat at buddy's BBQ. Once again we were stared at, but at least this time we were clean:). I was very proud of the children, a lady in the restaurant complimented them on their good behavior. Two thumbs up :)
Then it was off to our free glow in the dark putt putt :)After putt putt we had one last crazy game before bed. We had five teams and each team ha a ziplock bag with a frozen t-shirt inside it. The children had to warm the t-shirt and put it on a team member to win. I am happy to say Evan Sharett's group won. good times:). The children went to bed fairly easy tonight. Hmmmm... I wonder why.
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