Saturday, April 14, 2012


Wow!  Easter weekend was glowing fun!  Lol  We embarked on an adventure to solve a crime scene. 

"It was a Crime Scene Investigation like no other.  A man was tortured, beaten and killed. He was popular with the people but many in power wanted him dead.   After a mock trial the powerful had their way. He was given a hasty burial, but now the body has disappeared. Was there a clue left behind? Were there witnesses to what happened?
A bloody sheet offers evidence of a horrific execution.   Were the charges justified?   Rumors fly and each side stands by their story. A haunting image on linen offers a mysterious and controversial clue about the missing body. Was the body stolen?   By who and why? Did it just vanish? What does the cloth reveal about the disappearance? Historians, coroners, archaeologists, chemists, physicists, botanists, image specialists, art experts, textile experts and many others are brought in to offer testimony. Will they solve this first century mystery? "  ~CSI Jerusalem
Awesome worship with the praise team:)

Lots of cool science experiments along the way.

Special thanks to Michael West for his Gospel presentation using cool chemical reactions.

To view more pictures from the weekend click here.

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