This weekend in all three services one of our faithful teachers Ms. Sharon explained to the children that she has a rare form of cancer and the doctors have told her there are no treatments or cures for it. She explained that her doctor told her there was no miracle that could cure her and that his wife had died from this same type of cancer. Ms. Sharon told the children that she knows a miracle worker! His name is Jesus and He lives in her heart! She explained that the children could not "catch" cancer and that it was okay to hug her or give her a high-five. She also told them that she still has a high level of energy right now but that is is very possible that she could die soon from the cancer. The cancer she has is a very aggressive type of cancer.
She explained to the children that a couple years ago she had a conversation with another children's ministry teacher, Mr. Wayne Ollis. She told the children that they discussed when people become sick they often ask the elders of the church to come and pray with them but they decided instead people should ask the children to pray for them because children naturally have more faith. There faith is not tarnished by the world. She asked the children if they would be willing to pray for her. We all gathered around Ms. Sharon and laid our hands on her and began to pray. I was moved to tears on several occasions by the simple and honest prayers of our children. I especially remember one little girl who prayed that God would heal Ms. Sharon so that the doctor would know there is a miracle worker and his name is Jesus. Oh! The sweet prayers of children, there is nothing like it. It was a privilege to be in their midst.
Special thanks to the elders, Chuck Perry, Jim Moore & Gert Van Der Westhuizen
who prayed with us during the services.
As Ms. Sharon comes to mind, I hope you will take a moment and say a special prayer for her and her situation. I know that God is the ultimate healer and that Ms. Sharon will either be healed in this world or in heaven. I am praying for a miracle!
Miss Melinda, this is so awesome that you guys did this. I very much remember this conversation that we had and I believe it with all my heart. If I could chose who I would want to be praying for would be kids EVERY time! I can't stand how kids are made to feel by our culture, and yes even our modern church culture, about their faith or how everyone wants someone they view as more spiritual to pray for them. "Child like faith" as Jesus refers to it is special!!
ReplyDeleteYour willingness to do this with the kids is just fanstastic. I can't even imagine how it must have felt to see the spirit moving so strongly...hate I missed it!!!
Ohhh! So touching! I will add my prayers to those of the children.