Saturday, May 12, 2012

Getting ready for xalt :)

So excited to be apart of reception preparation. Lots of twigs and flowers and woodland items. As we prepared last night Retha Greene pulled twine from her fathers twine roll that was housed on his farm. I pulled out my collection of mason jars passed down from my great aunt. It was like they were a part of the event. They would have been proud :).
It reminded me of our heavenly Father and how proud he is when we include him in all the events of our lives. The prayers we send up driving in the car, the praise we give him in the beauty I His creation and the ultimate gift of love he poured out on us through the gift of His Son, Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. If we treasure the items our earthly relatives have left us, how much more should we treasure the gifts of our heavenly Father.

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