Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Trying to regroup

I'm having a hard time being joyful. I don't know why? It is very puzzling to me because I am naturally joyful. So I ask myself, where does my joy come from? Well, it comes from God. I know that but I am just not feeling it. So how do you feel joy? Then I think sunshine always makes the world a brighter place. I like sunshine. Maybe I will go for a walk and sit in the sunshine today. Praying that the Lord restores my soul.

I wasn't going to publish the above thoughts however, we all struggle sometimes and we might as well be honest about it!  Later on that evening, I am happy to say I found a bit of joy!  My sweet friend Laurie Sharp graduated from Fire Fighter rookie school. I was a little amazed that there was such evidence of faith in the room.  The Graduation was opened in prayer and then followed by a sermonette on the fourth one in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel 3
Although I am no fire fighter, I had felt as if I had been going through a fire lately and that was God's little whisper to remind me that I am not alone.  He is always there.  He is the fourth one in the fire... no matter what your fire may be.

I was so honored to have been invited to graduation and so inspired by the strength  and determination Laurie had to get there.  She makes me proud!

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