Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brazil recap

Our last day was bitter sweet as we said goodbye to our new brazilian friends. The sweet ladies from happy village came by to thank us for the supplies that were purchased and with tears in their eyes they shared a few stories of the children.

One of my favorite stories shared was about a little boy name Michael. When I met him he appeared to be about 4 years old. He was wearing Bermuda swimming trunks and a blank face. He was just so cute I couldn't resist hugging him. I could tell he was confused by the hug. I taught, sang and face painted that day and before I left I hugged him again and this time he smiled:). The ladies at happy village shared that he typically wasn't a "hugger". When Michael first came to happy village he wasn't wearing anything at all. His parents worked during the day and he was left alone all day on thee streets to fend for himself. All day on Tuesday I had shopped for the remaining school supplies that was needed for happy village, so I did not make it by to see the children that day. The ladies said that Michael had asked if I was coming back and was I an angel. So sweet! I am no angel but I do desire for God to use me to touch those I come in contact with. Thank you Lord for allowing me to share your love with the children and adults that I met in Brazil.

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