Sunday, September 16, 2012

Busy Sunday!

It was a busy Sunday with Church, People to People, Biology Field Trip,  Algebra 1 homework, last minute packing for Brazil and  a little "Quality" time with the family before I leave the country.

Had a wonderful time at church today! Our lesson was Abraham & Lot: Putting others first.  We challenged the children to put others first this week and that included siblings!  Parents, Let me know how that goes ;)
 I had the privilege of baptizing three children this weekend. God is so good to pour out his mercy and blessings upon us.  I was touched to be a part of this special day in the lives of these girls.
Then it was a quick change into "big people" clothes and speed to Johnson City to speak at a People to People meeting at ETSU.  It was fun to relive the memory of Madeline's trip to England & France.  I am amazed at what a wonderful young lady she had become.  She also spoke and encouraged students to step out of their comfort zone and embrace their fears.

We dashed back to Blountville and changed into our pond clothes for a wonderful field trip with Michael West. The students took pond samplings, discussed cloraplasts, protozoa,  aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.  Who knew the pond was so educational?  :)

After our exciting trip to the pond, we had to tackle some Algebra 1, special thanks to Ed West for helping. n+5=12??!!?  :) Then we had the "freak out moment" oh my, I'm flying out tomorrow! Where is that power converter?? Where is my passport??  Thank you Tamie Wells for volunteering to lend me your power converter/adapter.  Thankfully, Macey knew exactly where mine was.  I should have asked her first. Kids remember everything! 

Finally, it was time to chill out with the girls. Macey wanted to watch "Rio" since it has a Brazilian theme and that is where I am going tomorrow :))

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