Sunday, October 28, 2012

Africa Bound!

God has opened doors and I am walking through them until He slams them shut.   Here is my story...  I have had a heart for Africa since I was in college. It never really worked out for me to go.  I figured it wasn't what I was suppose to do at the time.  In 2009, I met Ms. Vicki.  She runs the Victorious Children's Home, an orphanage for children in Kakamega, Kenya. In 2010 I was blessed to travel to Kenya to minister to the children, speak at a women's conference and children's VBS at a local church.  My heart was won by the sweet smiling children and the deep desire they had to know Christ. 
Here is the crazy part, God keeps putting people in my path almost as reminders that his work with me in Africa is not yet complete.  I plan to travel back to Kakamega, Kenya this December to lay the foundation for a collaborative effort between several christian non-profit organizations and Victorious Children's Home to improve the health, welfare and educational needs in the village.  I will be staying at the orphanage and eating whatever they have to eat.  While I am there, the garden at the orphanage will be coming in (it will be summer there).  I will be teaching Ms. Vicki and some of the High School and College students how to preserve the food from their garden.  I will teach them how to can, dehydrate & properly freeze their foods for use during the winter months.  I will also be teaching a group of women in the village these same skills.  I will be teaching at a church in the village and serving the children of Victorious Children's Home. 
The airfare is my only stumbling block.  My plane ticket is $2200. Yikes! However, if 22 people donate $100 each that goal can easily be reached.  Any amount over the airfare that comes in will go towards the purchase of a freezer and canning supplies when I arrive in Kenya.  Just to make this fun... When I reach the 2200 needed for airfare I will change my FB profile picture to a Zebra.

"With God all things are possible"

Matthew 17:20 (NIV)

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Let's move some mountains! :) Who is in?

cash or checks are acceptable.  Please make checks to "Celebration Church" and mail them to Celebration Church, Attn: Melinda Upchurch, 429 Shipley Ferry Road Blountville, TN 37617

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