Thursday, December 20, 2012

Africa Day 6

Day 6
Monday December 16, 2012

I had a very productive day.  I bought veggies & a goat to put in the freezer.  I got a small thrill out of buying a goat.  However, I asked that they butcher it after I leave.  They kill it and cut it up by themselves.  That was not a party I wanted to attend. I tried to show Martha how to use the food saver and had an electrical malfunction complete with sparks.  No worries we still accomplished the job.  I purchase more internet time from safaricom so I can get on facebook tonight. I went to the bank, only to have my card captured by the atm.  I had to go into the bank and the guy at the bank refused to give me my card back.  He said it was held by order of my bank.  I told them I was coming but apparently, it did not matter.  The card was captured for fraud.  I called the bank and the fixed the issue but I still could not get my card back from Barclays.  Praise the Lord I had brought most of my money in cash and still had some left.

After that ordeal I returned home to rest and I found a mouse in my room.  I had heard noises all week and was concerned it could be a mouse but then I was told that the big boys take turns walking the property at night for extra security so I thought maybe I was hearing them.  I now know that my first thought was confirmed.  At least Clair tucks me in at night with my mosquito net so I am safeJ

It rained tonight… a hard African rain sure cooled things off.  I finally met up with Pastor Wambua this afternoon.  We discussed plans for next years trip and the ministry he would have me do at his church.  He wanted to see me earlier in this trip; it had not worked out due to his busy schedule.  We caught up on what was happening at each other’s church and how our families were doing and how out children were growing.  After our meeting Vicki, Acadius and I ate at sheiway and visited briefly with my good friend Milcar.  There were sporadic power outages the entire time we dined. When we returned home we found out that the power was also out at VCH.  I am so glad I packed a flashlight!  It was been both handy and amusing.  The children love my flashlight.  They call it a torch.  The all wanted to have a turn to hold it.  They use candles when the power goes out.  My torch was quite the novelty.

This is the last night I will share my room with a mouse (or a mouse family… who knows).   The children were supposed to do a presentation of song and dance for me tonight but I was not sure if that would happen if the power didn’t come back on soon.  Eventually the power did come back on… so let the presentations begin!

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