So sorry it has been a bit since my last blog. After I returned home from Africa in December things became so busy! Macey had a birthday to celebrate on December 21st:) She is now 11 years old. My, how the time does fly! Christmas was rapidly upon us after that and for a week my house was in a state of confusion. The red and green decorations for Christmas were also mixed in with the polka dot birthday party decorations and to be honest, it was a full week after her birthday when I realized we still had the "Happy Birthday" banner hanging over our sink. LOL I guess between the Christmas decorations, presents and our busy schedule I just did not notice it. Finally, the holiday was over and the decorations all came down. The house and cars received a good deep cleaning and schedules resumed to normal. I love holidays when they are truly a holiday. Websters defines holiday in this way " a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically : a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event". I'm laughing so hard I can barely type. I dare say there are not many women who would agree with this statement, especially during Christmas. I find myself running around in circles to make sure I have purchased all the presents, made the favorite foods and visited all of the relatives. It is so hard to just stop in all the madness and worship the reason for the season. Stop doing and just "be".
Recently we had a snow storm that produced 8-10 inches of snow at my house. We lost cell phone service because a tower had fallen and we also lost electricity. I could not go anywhere, my phone could not ring and I could not power any electronics. PRAISE THE LORD! That was a holiday :)
At least it was a holiday for one day, on day two of no electricity my daughter became sick with a stomach virus and we were forced to go to a nearby hotel with electricity. Something about not being able to see where the vomit is to clean it up freaks me out! Just sayin'
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