We do school assemblies for a few local public & private schools. We use a values based program called core essentials that chick-fil-a has partnered with us to bring into our schools. Every month there is an animal and a core value like honesty, determination or peace.
This month the value is peace and the animal is a dove. So... We set out to find doves. We really did not want to purchase doves so we decided to rent them. We found out that we could rent them to come to 3 schools for $550 or we could purchase them from the pet store for $30. Naturally, we purchased the doves :). We figured we could use them for Easter as well. The bad news is that neither of us, Sandy or myself, know how to care for doves and we have to tell our church facilities guy, Mr. Tim, that the children's ministry will become home to a pair of doves until Easter. We were hoping he would build us a new set of shelves for our office but I'm thinking we will be on the poop list literally after he gets this news :(
The upside... Hopefully our assembly and easter will be interesting and the kids in our after school program will have a pet to care for for 2 months.
In December we were looking for reindeer for an assembly. Just FYI a reindeer rents for $1300 a day during peak season. We thought about purchasing reindeer for the children's ministry. If we rented them out they could pay for themselves! We opted not to purchase reindeer. Hopefully the doves will bring peace :)
Oh honey, you have a lot of reading up to do. Does anyone in the Church have old cages they could donate? I will put out a msg. on FB if you don't mind me using your blog as a reference so they can get a better idea as to why it is so important. Good luck with the doves and you know God is not going to let anything bad happen on your loving watch.