Made it to Kenya. Had a wonderful visit with Josh & Ruth Barron and their 5 children. I enjoyed meeting the CFM team that that work so closely with. Today I fly to Kissumu, where Ms . Vicki will pick me up from the airport. Wamzy is my sweet driver today. She is a girl from the Barron's church.
Funny luggage story: Wrangling about 250 lbs total luggage has been interesting. When i arrived at NBO we exited the plane via stairs. There was no way i could get all that luggage down the stairs! Thankfully, there was a good southern boy wearing an LSU hat that volunteered to help carry my luggage down the stairs. I then had ti gi get the other 150 lbs by myself at baggage claim, load it onto a cart and go outside to meet the Barron family. Thankfully, Josh helped with akl my luggage from that point. On my way back to the airport to catch my flight to Kissumu I was one bag less and 50lbs lighter. However, i still had about 200 lbs of luggage. Wamzy, the sweet lady driving me today helped me make it across the parking lot and guided me to check in. I then had to take over all the luggage again. I took all the bags through security and was thankful to deposit the two larger bags at the baggage check. That left me with my carry on luggage and my large backpack, totaling 100lbs. I have a system though... I stack my backpack on top if the rolling suitcase ant it is easy! If course that was the perfect plan until I had to climb the stairs to board the plane. Thankfully, a nice gentlemen saw my dilemma and volunteered to help. As if that wasn't enough, upon boarding the Kenya airways plane for Kissumu my carry on bag would not fit in the overhead compartment. Oh yes! I was officially the crazy lady with too much luggage.!! I got a variety of looks. Some people felt sorry for me, some we disgusted and others smirked a grin and tried not to laugh. I am sure it was comical. Finally the flight attendant just moved me to another seat. I had one seat for my luggage and one seat for me :). Thankfully Vicki brought one if the boys to take care if the luggage!! Praise the Lord!
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