Saturday, January 21, 2012


About two or three weeks ago, Sandy Miller and I were sitting in our office planning our summer camp.  We knew we were going with a surfing theme.  We were trying to come up with something original.  We had planned on using the son surf VBS and the Promise Island VBS as a spring board for our teaching and planning, but we still needed an original name. I collaborated with our graphics designer and he sent me two online dictionaries, a Hawaiian dictionary and a surf lingo dictionary.  I found both of them humorous but, I didn't want to just make up a Hawaiian phrase.  As I surfed the web I ran across a church in Hawaii called One Love.  As I researched this church, I realized they were a lot like our church in teaching.  They have surfing outreach opportunities, The pastor is a surfer and the children's ministry sounds like it would be fun.  So, I emailed the church office to see if they could help me come up with a good "Hawaiian" name for our camp.  The children's minister, Desirre, emailed me back.  This was the first of many emails. She helped us come up with the name Akua Makana Beach for our camp.  That means God's Gift.  I Love it! and... I love that Desirre was willing to help me even though  I live far away in the mountains of Tennessee and have no idea how to surf :)

Click here to check out our camp info  :)

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