"No one has more potential to influence a child's relationship with God than a parent." -Reggie Joiner
While at the Children's Pastors Conference, I have met some really cool people, had encouraging conversation with others in ministry and reconnected with old friends. However, the most valuable thing I have learned today is the power of family. I have had the opportunity to re connect with my family while hanging out in Disney earlier in the week. I have had the privilege of looking deep into my children's eyes and re-affirming how much I love them and how they have a heavenly father that loves them even more. After all, I can not effectively minister to other children and families if I do not minister to mine. I often get caught up in the next big event, the cool lesson planned for next week or details of registering new families into our ministry and forget I have a family begging for my time as well.
So today, I am exchanging "self" for "God." I am in a passionate pursuit for Christ. I want to impart God's truth to this generation by living for Christ and dying to self. I desire our families to have real "family time" and an intimacy with Christ. In a time when children are involved in so many activities and the world is constantly pulling us in one direction and then in another, How do we get to the point of even having time for family?
I have recently read a book by Kevin Leman, "It's you kid, not a gerbil." This book explains all to well the pulls of society on the family of today. Parents who are raising children to accomplish the dreams they were never able to accomplish. Young boys who spend more time on the basketball court than in the court of our heavenly King. Parents who rush in from work, have a drive thru dinner, and spend the night on the sidelines while others are influencing our children. Oh, I know it all too well... my mini van is my second home :)
My question to you is... What are you doing to make family a priority?
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