Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fret Not!

There are only two things that upset me to the point of uncontrollable crying.  One of those is anything having to do with a vehicle not working properly.  I am sad to say this week I had a bit of trouble with my beloved mini van.  I was driving along when I noticed my van felt as if it could not change gears.  The rpm would go up to 4 or 5 and I could only travel at the speed of 30 mph.   The van would be okay for a while and then it would do the same thing again.  It was as if my van was having random seizures.  I immediately called a very trustworthy fellow who knows a lot about cars.  After driving and inspecting the van, he came to the conclusion that something was wrong with my transmission.   I was told that transmission fluid needed to be added.  He was careful to purchase "Honda" transmission fluid from the dealer, replaced the fluid and told me to drive it.  I drove it one day and the same problem began again.  Once again, I called the trustworthy mechanic.  This time I was told it may be something else in the transmission.  The worse case would be that I could need a new transmission and I should take it to the Honda dealership.

Oh the agony!  I literally cried  for two days before taking it to the dealership.  You see, fixing cars are totally out of my comfort range.  I have no clue about what could be wrong with them or how to fix them.   All day Tuesday all I could think about was that I had no vehicle to drive and it was probably going to cost me $4,000.00 for a new transmission.  Wednesday morning my husband dropped me off at staff meeting, because I had no running vehicle to drive myself there:(  As prayer requests were being spoken, I pleaded with the staff as tears ran down my cheeks "Please pray for my poor van because I think something is wrong with the transmission"  I feel quite confident most of them thought I was nuts.  I realize upcoming surgeries and the death of loved ones were important prayer requests.  I was just praying my van would not die.

After staff meeting, Sandy Miller followed me to the dealership to drop off my van.  I walked inside the service department and spied a gentleman I thought could help me.  He explained that all the mechanics were at lunch but he would be happy to get me registered to have service on my van after lunch.  Once again, I teared up just explaining to him what was wrong with my van.  Poor fellow!  I did not mean to cry; I just couldn't help it.  He assured me they would call as soon as they figured out what was wrong with my van. I thanked him, wiped my tears once more, and walked out to Sandy's van.

As we traveled down the road, me still crying and her trying to console me, my 9 year old daughter popped her head up between our seats.  She said "Fret not!",  smiled then she continued "Mom, I really don't know why you are so upset.  Don't you know what God says?  The Bible says to fret not.  So stop worrying, God takes care of everything."   I had to smile, although it was taken out of context from Psalm 31:1, she knew that we were not to worry about anything because God is in control of everything.   I love that!

So, What happened with my van?  I received a call around 3pm from the dealership.  Apparently, the transmission is suppose to be serviced every 15-30 thousand miles.  The van was serviced and it was under $100.  Praise the Lord!!!

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