Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chapstick& insanity

Wow! I am traveling at a speed of life that is totally insane. I love it. Mid-January brings intense preparation for the many summer events. Planning is well under way for missions camp, camp placid, creative arts camp & mother daughter tea. Not to mention execution of the already planned events coming up like the family retreat, fuse 56 retreat & Easter weekend. So... I suppose insanity would be a normal response for at least the next few months :).

This brings me to the Chapstick. This weekend was meet the staff and elders at church. We were all to come to the front of the church and be introduced so people could put a face with our names. I did children's ministry each service and when I noticed the sing had be began at the end of each service I would dash into my office grab the Chapstick out of my desk and apply it to my lips in hopes it would freshen me up before being introduced each service. Before the 11am introductions I once again flew into my office reached for my Chapstick and began bringing it to my lips to apply it. Thankfully, I looked down just before I touched it to my lips to discover that I was holding a glue stick, Not Chapstick. Oh yes! I almost glued my lips together with an Elmer's glue stick!

My husband would probably be relieved if I had been successful :))

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