Worked all morning trying to make sure I had subs lined up for next weekend while I am gone to the Children's Pastors Conference in sunny Orlando, FL. Madeline slept in and had a friend over, my sweet husband worked in the yard and told me about all the cleaning he had done yesterday (You see, he is the cleaner and I am the organizer :), Macey had a slumber party and did not return home until almost noon.
Let me just tell you, Macey was super sweet when she came home. However, later in the day I believe the slumber party hang over must have occurred. Of course all of the madness ensues right as I am trying to get out the door to go to church. Oh the sight of it! Crying, whining, stomping and nagging all this over very trivial things. I had to leave! After all, I had to read over my lesson. So I left my sweet husband in charge. I had no sooner pulled out of the drive when my phone begins to ring; it was Macey. More crying ensued. I could not reason with her. She called me ten times before I even got to church. I took a moment to read over the scripture for my lesson in the parking lot before going into the church. Hebrews 11:1... as I read it..."Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen;" Well then, I have "Faith" that Macey will straighten up and clean her room. My phone rang again. I declined the call. I continued reading..."It gives us assurance about things we can not see." I can not see a clean room or a good attitude. My phone rang again. I declined the call again.
I took a deep breath, prayed for wisdom and had a sip of my McDonald's tea before the phone rang again. This time I answered. Macey was hitting where it hurt this time, she held back no punches. She said, "Why do you have to go to work? I want you here with me! You promised to see my volcano erupt and now you are gone!" Now, I have read a lot of books on strong willed children, I have taken child psychology, my entire life and career revolves around children and yet, I could not think of a good reply. Instead I said, "Get the volcano ready; I'm headed home."
I walked through the door with a smile on my face and peace in my heart. I gave her a big hug and said let me see this volcano that you and your daddy made. Both she and my husband were excited about the grand revealing of the volcano that they had worked so hard on for Macey's Science class.
After the volcano erupted, Macey said " I'm really sorry mommy for all the trouble I caused. I think I am going to go rest. I'm pretty tired." Ya Think!??? LOL
I returned to church to find all of the work I had put into building out the weekend lesson had been deleted from Pro Presenter, the computer program we use. With great frustration and many tears, I sat in the sound booth and rebuilt everything, read over my lesson and prepared to teach our sweet children.
"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1 I choose to put my faith in God, even when life gets tough!
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