Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Storming the Castle

Today was spent storming the castle...literally :) We spent the day in Magic Kingdom.  Our party of 13 managed quite well.  All of the big kids were able to ride the coasters, while the non-coaster riders took in other sights or less thrilling rides. 
                                               Beautifully photographed by my husband :)

A few highlights of the day:
* Watching the face of the 3 year old who was with us light up as he watched Tinker Bell fly through the sky
* The excitement of my daughter, Macey, as she talked about the "it's a small world" ride
* Watching the big kids & Teddy Miller race from one roller coaster to the next
* Laughing at my husband, Jamie,  as he insisted on taking pictures of almost everything in the park and saying "it's the magic baby!"
*Watching my daughter, Madeline, conquer her fear of Space Mountain
I also enjoyed reconnecting  with old friends as we registered for the Children's Pastors Conference.  For some of them, this is the only time of the year that we have a chance to find out what is going on in each others ministries.  Lastly, we were able to to catch a late night snack with Ms. Lori, the children's minister at The River in Cookeville, TN.

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