God has opened doors and I am walking through them until He slams them shut. Here is my story... I have had a heart for Africa since I was in college. It never really worked out for me to go. I figured it wasn't what I was suppose to do at the time. In 2009, I met Ms. Vicki. She runs the Victorious Children's Home, an orphanage for children in Kakamega, Kenya. In 2010 I was blessed to travel to Kenya to minister to the children, speak at a women's conference and children's VBS at a local church. My heart was won by the sweet smiling children and the deep desire they had to know Christ.
Here is the crazy part, God keeps putting people in my path almost as reminders that his work with me in Africa is not yet complete. I plan to travel back to Kakamega, Kenya this December to lay the foundation for a collaborative effort between several christian non-profit organizations and Victorious Children's Home to improve the health, welfare and educational needs in the village. I will be staying at the orphanage and eating whatever they have to eat. While I am there, the garden at the orphanage will be coming in (it will be summer there). I will be teaching Ms. Vicki and some of the High School and College students how to preserve the food from their garden. I will teach them how to can, dehydrate & properly freeze their foods for use during the winter months. I will also be teaching a group of women in the village these same skills. I will be teaching at a church in the village and serving the children of Victorious Children's Home.
The airfare is my only stumbling block. My plane ticket is $2200. Yikes! However, if 22 people donate $100 each that goal can easily be reached. Any amount over the airfare that comes in will go towards the purchase of a freezer and canning supplies when I arrive in Kenya. Just to make this fun... When I reach the 2200 needed for airfare I will change my FB profile picture to a Zebra.
"With God all things are possible"
Matthew 17:20 (NIV)
20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Let's move some mountains! :) Who is in?
cash or checks are acceptable. Please make checks to "Celebration Church" and mail them to Celebration Church, Attn: Melinda Upchurch, 429 Shipley Ferry Road Blountville, TN 37617
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Tickets, shoes and blessings
The morning did not start out great. I got a speeding in Johnson City. Officer Hensley, who issued me the ticket was not very nice:( I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in a long time and truly I wasn't even in a rush. I realize that may be amazing for some to believe but it is true. I was headed to Asheville, NC to meet with my peeps at sole hope.
I did arrive in Asheville safely and I didn't even get lost! I always get lost when I go to downtown Asheville. Dru and Holly at sole hope were amazing. Sole hope is an organization that teaches women in Uganda how I make shoes for their children. The children desperately need shoes to keep jiggers out of their feet. We are so excited about hosting a shoe party for them at celebration church. On November 14th at 6:30 pm we will pack shoe boxes for operation Christmas child and make shoes for sole hope. It is going to be so much fun!!!
After a beautiful drive home and a stop along the way to see the fall leaves. An extra blessing came tonight. I took ms. Vicki to Celebrating Freedom to give her testimony. Laura Landon & Morgan Mcclanahan blessed me through their music and Ms. Vicki blessed me again with her testimony .
I did arrive in Asheville safely and I didn't even get lost! I always get lost when I go to downtown Asheville. Dru and Holly at sole hope were amazing. Sole hope is an organization that teaches women in Uganda how I make shoes for their children. The children desperately need shoes to keep jiggers out of their feet. We are so excited about hosting a shoe party for them at celebration church. On November 14th at 6:30 pm we will pack shoe boxes for operation Christmas child and make shoes for sole hope. It is going to be so much fun!!!
After a beautiful drive home and a stop along the way to see the fall leaves. An extra blessing came tonight. I took ms. Vicki to Celebrating Freedom to give her testimony. Laura Landon & Morgan Mcclanahan blessed me through their music and Ms. Vicki blessed me again with her testimony .
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Embarassing moment
I thought you might get a good laugh out of my embarrassing moment this week. :)
You need to know that I love everything that Celebration Freedom Ministries stands for, so on many occasions I have tried to volunteer to help. I have been told no on each occasion. Mainly, because there fearful leader knows I have a lot going on and wanted to protect me from another obligation. I volunteered to work with the children and was told no. I volunteered to serve food and was told no. I volunteered to sell books and was told no.
At our Fuse 56 retreat this fall one of our leaders who sings with CF said "Hey!, You should come and sing with us. We need a soprano." I smiled and said that would be great! I love to sing. I sang in the show choir in High School, Performed in community theater and even went to college with a vocal scholarship. Singing comes natural to me, except that for the last 10 years I have sang in front of children. I was still willing to join a few friends and sing praises to the Father. I could not join them right away because I was going to be out of town for a few weeks but promised to help out when I returned.
About 2 weeks ago, I decided to show up for a practice. Only to find that there was no practice that night. There was going to be a solo singer. No big deal. I told them to just let me know the next time they needed me. Ring, ring went my phone one night, I was asked to come and sing for a Friday night conference they were having. Sure thing! I would love to help!
I arrived at 5pm to practice. When I entered the room I looked at the stage and saw a guitar and one microphone. I thought to myself, maybe everyone else had plans and they decided to let the leader of the group just sing. I was mentally prepared to just stay and enjoy the conference and whomever was to sing. Here is the scary part... much to my dismay, the guitar was for the guitar player and the microphone was for me. oh yes! that is correct! They wanted me to sing, solo. I thought it was a joke at first, but I quickly realized it was no joke.
I was terrified and it was absolutely terrible. I only did one song and I am surprised that I lived through it. First of all, I sing for kids, not adults! Secondly, I am used to tracks. Many of them have some kind of vocals on them. Third, It has been a long time since I have had to figure out when to come in on a song while being accompanied by guitar. I can tell you truly, it was not my best work!
Finally, the agony was over and I could return to my seat. Praise the Lord, that I find my identity in Christ! I am a child of God and he loves me even when I mess up. I began to think back to a time in my life when that same scenario of being put on the spot and then totally ruining a song would have crushed me. You see, I would have accepted all the things that Satan was tried to put into my head. "You're not good enough, you're not talented, who are you to even try to sing?" That is what Satan says. However, God says "You are a child of God, free in Christ, any noise of rejoicing to my name is acceptable."
Don't believe the lies that Satan tries to tell you this week! Remember, you are a child of God and Jesus loves you!
16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
You need to know that I love everything that Celebration Freedom Ministries stands for, so on many occasions I have tried to volunteer to help. I have been told no on each occasion. Mainly, because there fearful leader knows I have a lot going on and wanted to protect me from another obligation. I volunteered to work with the children and was told no. I volunteered to serve food and was told no. I volunteered to sell books and was told no.
At our Fuse 56 retreat this fall one of our leaders who sings with CF said "Hey!, You should come and sing with us. We need a soprano." I smiled and said that would be great! I love to sing. I sang in the show choir in High School, Performed in community theater and even went to college with a vocal scholarship. Singing comes natural to me, except that for the last 10 years I have sang in front of children. I was still willing to join a few friends and sing praises to the Father. I could not join them right away because I was going to be out of town for a few weeks but promised to help out when I returned.
About 2 weeks ago, I decided to show up for a practice. Only to find that there was no practice that night. There was going to be a solo singer. No big deal. I told them to just let me know the next time they needed me. Ring, ring went my phone one night, I was asked to come and sing for a Friday night conference they were having. Sure thing! I would love to help!
I arrived at 5pm to practice. When I entered the room I looked at the stage and saw a guitar and one microphone. I thought to myself, maybe everyone else had plans and they decided to let the leader of the group just sing. I was mentally prepared to just stay and enjoy the conference and whomever was to sing. Here is the scary part... much to my dismay, the guitar was for the guitar player and the microphone was for me. oh yes! that is correct! They wanted me to sing, solo. I thought it was a joke at first, but I quickly realized it was no joke.
I was terrified and it was absolutely terrible. I only did one song and I am surprised that I lived through it. First of all, I sing for kids, not adults! Secondly, I am used to tracks. Many of them have some kind of vocals on them. Third, It has been a long time since I have had to figure out when to come in on a song while being accompanied by guitar. I can tell you truly, it was not my best work!
Finally, the agony was over and I could return to my seat. Praise the Lord, that I find my identity in Christ! I am a child of God and he loves me even when I mess up. I began to think back to a time in my life when that same scenario of being put on the spot and then totally ruining a song would have crushed me. You see, I would have accepted all the things that Satan was tried to put into my head. "You're not good enough, you're not talented, who are you to even try to sing?" That is what Satan says. However, God says "You are a child of God, free in Christ, any noise of rejoicing to my name is acceptable."
Philippians 4:4 (NIV)
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Don't believe the lies that Satan tries to tell you this week! Remember, you are a child of God and Jesus loves you!
Romans 8:16 (NIV)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Individuality: Discovering who you are meant to be so you can make a difference.
This week we have been in a few schools sharing what individuality means and how kids can make a difference. We were blessed to have Christa Powell join us from Chick-fil-a to hand out the Chick-fil-a reward cards for a free kid's meal. Chick-fil-a has graciously sponsored the programs that we take into the schools. Thanks Chick-fil-a!

The animal this month was is a Zebra. As I entered a school on Tuesday, students were asking how I was going to get the Zebra into the school. LOL I wish I had a Zebra to bring with me! The truth is I had some thing even better. I had a carved Zebra made in Kenya and I had the person who had brought it to me. Ms. Vicki has been traveling from school to school with us this week sharing about Kenya, Africa and Individuality. She shared with the students about the children's orphanage that she runs, Victorious Children's Home, and how each of the 62 kids she has are different. She encouraged the students to make a difference in their school, family, community & the world. The students had lots of questions to ask her about Africa.
This week we have been in a few schools sharing what individuality means and how kids can make a difference. We were blessed to have Christa Powell join us from Chick-fil-a to hand out the Chick-fil-a reward cards for a free kid's meal. Chick-fil-a has graciously sponsored the programs that we take into the schools. Thanks Chick-fil-a!
The animal this month was is a Zebra. As I entered a school on Tuesday, students were asking how I was going to get the Zebra into the school. LOL I wish I had a Zebra to bring with me! The truth is I had some thing even better. I had a carved Zebra made in Kenya and I had the person who had brought it to me. Ms. Vicki has been traveling from school to school with us this week sharing about Kenya, Africa and Individuality. She shared with the students about the children's orphanage that she runs, Victorious Children's Home, and how each of the 62 kids she has are different. She encouraged the students to make a difference in their school, family, community & the world. The students had lots of questions to ask her about Africa.
Pastor Appreciation Day
Wednesday October 10th we celebrated Pastor Appreciation Day with some of my favorite kiddos :) It is always a blessing to attend Pastor Appreciation Day at Tri-Cities Christian School. We had a great devotion with all the Pastors and then headed into the gym to watch the kiddos preform. Some classes had songs, others had poems & Bible Verses. The High School Choir sang and we enjoyed a fabulous drama. As the High School Choir was singing I couldn't help remembering how cute some of this years seniors were when I first met them as Kindergarteners. They have grown up so quickly, each one special in their own unique way. It has been a blessing to watch so many of them as they have matured in years as well as their faith. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be a small part of their lives.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Luke warm?
Either you are for Christ or against him...
I am frustrated by people who claim to be Christians. I would rather you tell me you are an Atheist than to say " I'm not downing Jesus or anything, I mean I go to church." Really, Really???? If you are not defending Him then you are downing Him. If you are not courageous to stand up for what the Lord says and the good news he has for all then why do you even bother to show up for church? Do you just show up so people will see you there and think you are a good person?
Just a reminder... Christ does not live in the church. The church is a building where believers meet to fellowship and corporately worship Christ. Christ lives in you!
I am frustrated by people who claim to be Christians. I would rather you tell me you are an Atheist than to say " I'm not downing Jesus or anything, I mean I go to church." Really, Really???? If you are not defending Him then you are downing Him. If you are not courageous to stand up for what the Lord says and the good news he has for all then why do you even bother to show up for church? Do you just show up so people will see you there and think you are a good person?
Revelation 3:15-16 ESV
“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
Just a reminder... Christ does not live in the church. The church is a building where believers meet to fellowship and corporately worship Christ. Christ lives in you!
Romans 8:9 ESV
You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
Church is not just Sunday and Wednesday. Church is every day of your life. It is a constant communication, a relationship with the Father. The veil was torn in the Tabernacle the day Jesus died on the cross. You have the opportunity to be in fellowship with the Father every minute of every day. Why would you not take advantage of that?
Here is my challenge to you... Be full of Christ, Be for Christ in every situation, Do not be afraid of the world because you do not live in the world, you live in Christ and His Spirit dwells within you.
Matthew 6:19-21(NIV)
19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sunday afternoon Felicia, Makayla, my two girls and I loaded the mini van and headed to Nashville. It was a long, rainy drive but the company was excellent. My girls enjoyed watching movies with Makayla in the backseat and laughing. We arrived late and were blessed to be able to stay at my dad's cabin in Smyrna. We were all ready for bed after Makayla's last snack of yogurt.
Monday morning came quickly as we woke at 4:40 to make our way to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. It was dark and rainy but there was no rush hour traffic at 5 am :). As we approached our exit, Felicia make a terrible discovery. She had left Makayla's Donald Duck toy in the bed at the cabin. This was no ordinary Donald Duck, you see this was the Donald Duck that Makayla slept with every night. It would be sad if she woke up from surgery without her favorite toy in her hand. So, I did the most logical thing, I pulled to the front entrance of the children's hospital, helped Felicia load Makayla into the stroller and then headed back to Smyrna to retrieve Donald!
Thankfully, Donald was easy to find. He was all tucked in the covers where Makayla had slept. I must admit I was a bit envious of the extra sleep he got. Lol :). I scooped up Donald and headed back to the hospital. Much to my dismay I had hit rush hour traffic going into Nashville. The 30 minute trip it took me to get there the first time had turned into a little over an hour commute complete with traffic jams, wrecks and mass confusion. Luckily, I was easily entertained by the Doug & Jackie valesques morning show on the radio.
When I arrived at the hospital Makayla had just been taken back for her procedure. Felicia was a bit concerned because she did not know they were going to intabate Makayla until that morning. I silently prayed for peace and comfort for Felicia and wisdom for the doctors and nurses.
It wasn't long until the Doctor came out to speak with Felicia and shortly after that we headed back to recovery to give Makayla her Donald Duck. As, she roused from her anesthesia, she had some nausea. Her sweet, young nurse, Robin Black was quick to give her meds for nausea and continued to make her as comfortable as possible.
During the time Makayla was in recovery, Robin cared for her and one other patient at all times. The "room" next to us, which was only divided by curtains held three different children recovering from various surgeries. Each time a new child came, I watched as Robin diligently cared for them. She even rocked one distressed girl back to sleep. I thought of how she cared for each one differently but with the same love and diligence. It reminded me of how our heavenly Father holds us, cares for us and comforts us during our times of distress giving us the strength to carry on.
"Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak. "(Isaiah 40:28, 29 NIV)
Makayla was released to a hospital room at Vanderbilt where she will continue to gain strength and stretch the back with the use of the Halo the doctor put on her today. She is currently scheduled for spinal fusion surgery on Nov. 12th. Please keep her and her mom Felicia in your prayers. That is a long time to live in a hospital room.
Anyone wanting to send an e card to Makayla or Felicia can follow these steps. Www.childrenshospital.vanderbilt.org then search for ecard and it'll pop up
Monday morning came quickly as we woke at 4:40 to make our way to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. It was dark and rainy but there was no rush hour traffic at 5 am :). As we approached our exit, Felicia make a terrible discovery. She had left Makayla's Donald Duck toy in the bed at the cabin. This was no ordinary Donald Duck, you see this was the Donald Duck that Makayla slept with every night. It would be sad if she woke up from surgery without her favorite toy in her hand. So, I did the most logical thing, I pulled to the front entrance of the children's hospital, helped Felicia load Makayla into the stroller and then headed back to Smyrna to retrieve Donald!
Thankfully, Donald was easy to find. He was all tucked in the covers where Makayla had slept. I must admit I was a bit envious of the extra sleep he got. Lol :). I scooped up Donald and headed back to the hospital. Much to my dismay I had hit rush hour traffic going into Nashville. The 30 minute trip it took me to get there the first time had turned into a little over an hour commute complete with traffic jams, wrecks and mass confusion. Luckily, I was easily entertained by the Doug & Jackie valesques morning show on the radio.
When I arrived at the hospital Makayla had just been taken back for her procedure. Felicia was a bit concerned because she did not know they were going to intabate Makayla until that morning. I silently prayed for peace and comfort for Felicia and wisdom for the doctors and nurses.
It wasn't long until the Doctor came out to speak with Felicia and shortly after that we headed back to recovery to give Makayla her Donald Duck. As, she roused from her anesthesia, she had some nausea. Her sweet, young nurse, Robin Black was quick to give her meds for nausea and continued to make her as comfortable as possible.
During the time Makayla was in recovery, Robin cared for her and one other patient at all times. The "room" next to us, which was only divided by curtains held three different children recovering from various surgeries. Each time a new child came, I watched as Robin diligently cared for them. She even rocked one distressed girl back to sleep. I thought of how she cared for each one differently but with the same love and diligence. It reminded me of how our heavenly Father holds us, cares for us and comforts us during our times of distress giving us the strength to carry on.
"Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak. "(Isaiah 40:28, 29 NIV)
Makayla was released to a hospital room at Vanderbilt where she will continue to gain strength and stretch the back with the use of the Halo the doctor put on her today. She is currently scheduled for spinal fusion surgery on Nov. 12th. Please keep her and her mom Felicia in your prayers. That is a long time to live in a hospital room.
Anyone wanting to send an e card to Makayla or Felicia can follow these steps. Www.childrenshospital.vanderbilt.org then search for ecard and it'll pop up
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