Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Journey Home from Africa: Paris

I decided once again to take advantage of the 9 hour lay over that I had in Paris.  We arrived at the airport at 7am and my next plane did not depart until 4 pm.  So naturally, I hopped on a bus and headed into the city.  It was an hour bus ride from the airport into the city.  I then took an open air bus tour.  This would be excellent in the summer.  However, it was 35 degrees Fahrenheit and I was so cold.  I did have a great view of the city!  My tour was about ah hour and a half and I did a little bit of shopping and the caught my bus to head back to the airport.  I was glad I had the opportunity to see the city.  I mean really... you can't go to Paris and not see the Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame.  Thanking God for his abundant blessings & provisions.

Africa Day 7

Day 7
Tuesday December 17, 2012

I woke with the roosters and began packing.  I did not have much to pack though.  I gave away most of my clothes to the children in Victorious Children’s Home.  Vicki had asked for the book I was reading on the Beattitudes, it wasn’t even mine, but I gave it to her.  Sorry Barry & Linda Smith!  I figured you would not mind J  I also left her my torch to read by when the power goes out.  I had given my Bible away on Sunday to Bishop Juma.  His Bible was shredded and falling apart.  You could tell it was well used. I left my towel for the kids to use. I gave all the granola bars & popcorn I had brought for back up food to the boys, I left all my lotion, shampoo and body oil for the girls.  So, packing did not take very long.  Clair cam in to make my bed and I gave her a small back of trash that consisted mostly of packaging form thing I had brought as gifts like lotion sets.  She said she would take it to compost.  However, I think the children went through the compost because when I went outside I saw them playing with a box that the lotions had came in.  You see the top of the box was clear plastic and the rest of the box was cardboard.  The boys decided it would be great for catching ants and bugs and observing them.  I had to laugh.  They were having so much fun with my trash.  LOL

I spent some time hanging out with the children and reading this morning.  Carol, who works in the kitchen, brought me a plate of fresh fruit to eat “to give me strength for my journey” she said.  Everyone else was eating fried intestines.  There was no way I could eat that.  Vicki said “God has not given you the grace to eat intestines yet.” After my fruit, I wanted something salty so I had some potato chips.  The saltiness of the chips made me crave a coke.  So Acadius and another boy escorted me down the dusty path to the store. We passed a school and the owners let me go on a school tour.  I was so excited!  I asked all kinds of questions.  I found out that for one child to go to school for one year it is $530. The school I toured was a private school but here in Kenya you still pay tuition for government schools as well.  I was curious about costs because I know that one of the ladies who works in the kitchen has been saving all her money in hopes to send her two boys to school. 

 The children were giving me letters to take to sponsors in the US all day today.  So I would walk through the house and then need to return to my room to pack a letter.  As I was walking through the kitchen I stopped to drink my coke and talk to Carol. Carol is little Brittany’s mother.  Carol works in the kitchen for VCH.  She asked if I would please take Brittany with me to live.  It was so heartbreaking.  She loves her little girl so much that she would give her away in hopes of a better future.  I told her I would take her but I am afraid I would be thrown in jail if I took her.  After that sobering moment, I had to return to my room to pray. 

The time came for me to depart and the tears were many.

Africa Day 6

Day 6
Monday December 16, 2012

I had a very productive day.  I bought veggies & a goat to put in the freezer.  I got a small thrill out of buying a goat.  However, I asked that they butcher it after I leave.  They kill it and cut it up by themselves.  That was not a party I wanted to attend. I tried to show Martha how to use the food saver and had an electrical malfunction complete with sparks.  No worries we still accomplished the job.  I purchase more internet time from safaricom so I can get on facebook tonight. I went to the bank, only to have my card captured by the atm.  I had to go into the bank and the guy at the bank refused to give me my card back.  He said it was held by order of my bank.  I told them I was coming but apparently, it did not matter.  The card was captured for fraud.  I called the bank and the fixed the issue but I still could not get my card back from Barclays.  Praise the Lord I had brought most of my money in cash and still had some left.

After that ordeal I returned home to rest and I found a mouse in my room.  I had heard noises all week and was concerned it could be a mouse but then I was told that the big boys take turns walking the property at night for extra security so I thought maybe I was hearing them.  I now know that my first thought was confirmed.  At least Clair tucks me in at night with my mosquito net so I am safeJ

It rained tonight… a hard African rain sure cooled things off.  I finally met up with Pastor Wambua this afternoon.  We discussed plans for next years trip and the ministry he would have me do at his church.  He wanted to see me earlier in this trip; it had not worked out due to his busy schedule.  We caught up on what was happening at each other’s church and how our families were doing and how out children were growing.  After our meeting Vicki, Acadius and I ate at sheiway and visited briefly with my good friend Milcar.  There were sporadic power outages the entire time we dined. When we returned home we found out that the power was also out at VCH.  I am so glad I packed a flashlight!  It was been both handy and amusing.  The children love my flashlight.  They call it a torch.  The all wanted to have a turn to hold it.  They use candles when the power goes out.  My torch was quite the novelty.

This is the last night I will share my room with a mouse (or a mouse family… who knows).   The children were supposed to do a presentation of song and dance for me tonight but I was not sure if that would happen if the power didn’t come back on soon.  Eventually the power did come back on… so let the presentations begin!

Africa Day 5

Day 5
Sunday, December 15, 2012

Sunday mornings begin at 3 am apparently.  I was waked by the beautiful singing of the children in the main room that is outside my bedroom.  I got up and joined them for about 30 mins of songs and prayer. As soon as it was over everyone went back to bed for a couple of hours.  We woke up again dressed and showered to have church.  I knew I was preaching at the VCH church today and I did.  But towards the end of my sermon, Ms. Vicki told me to make the end short because the Reverend Juma was waiting on us.  Acadius joined us for the church circuit.  Acadius is a bright young man.  He is a teen at VCH and is always helping me.  He is good with electronics and is always taking pictures and filming events for me.  Today he insisted that I not carry a thing.  He carried my backpack everywhere today.  He is always singing praises to the Lord.

At the moment we were rushed out the door, that is when I found out I was also preaching at a church in the bush.  We drove for 45 minutes on very rough dirt roads.  On the way I found out I was not only preaching at one church but at two churches.  I asked Ms. Vicki how that could be as I was to speak at the first church at 11 am.  She said, “Oh, It is okay sister.  Church will start when you get there.”  We arrived in the small village of Bushawli.  It was a small bush church.  They were so very kind.    I spoke and then we quickly left to get to the next church. I can’t remember the village name.  There I not only preached but was told I would be the one to pray over the Reverend Joseph and commission him.  That in itself was a huge honor!  After I finished preaching and the invitation was given several people came forward to accept Christ and many other came for me to lay hands on them and pray for them.  It was so very powerful.  I can not even believe God would chose me to have such a powerful impact on that village.  I was humbled beyond belief as I prayed over so many people.  Reverend Juma who is over the entire district said he would like for me to go to three more churches today but we informed him I had planned to meet with Pastor Wambua .  Then we were requested to stay and eat lunch.  I did not want to be rude so we said we would stay for 10 mins.   Ten minutes turned into twenty minutes and Ms. Vicki had to call Pastor Wambua to tell him we would be late.  He told her he had meetings out of town so we plan to meet with him tomorrow or Tuesday before I leave.  This freed us up to visit a bit longer.  I was asked to pray over a man who had just received some money to use for the Lord.   After that prayer we headed out to come back to Victorious Children’s Home to rest for about 15 minutes.  My good friend Milcar’s Uncle, the proprietor of Shieywe, invited us to dinner.  We were to arrive between 5-6 pm.  Since it was 5pm when we returned from the preaching circuit we did not have much time.  I love Milcar and her Uncle has the sweetest spirit.   

Vicki & I took Clair, one of the junior high girls, with us to Milcar’s house.   Clair is a sweet and loving girl with a servant’s heart.  Every night Clair would Secure the mosquito netting around my bed and every morning Clair would come into my room to twist up my mosquito net and make my bed.  She spoiled me.  But this morning when she had come in I had my bed made and I managed to properly twist and tie my mosquito net up on the ceiling.  So when she came in she said “Oh!” and grabbed her face and the replied “ Melinda you have done a good work!  You are a good learner.”  It was a funny sight to see her surprise.   I am so glad she was able to join us for this special dinner.  I think she had a wonderful time.  I know I had a wonderful time!  It was so great to see Milcar and her uncle; I call him papa.   We had a delicious dinner  (By the way I did eat goat tonight!  I could not tell papa no.) and then I gave them the presents I had brought for them from home.  A lotion set for Milcar and a Christmas music cd for papa. They were so happy.  Papa put the cd in to listen to right away. 

We did not leave until late.  It was hard to leave such sweet friends.  When we returned home everyone was served cake.  The cake we were all to full to eat the night before.  Since my time here is drawing to and end, I had to sit down and make a large to do list for tomorrow.  This will insure I get everything done on my last full day in Kakamega.

Africa Day 4

Day 4
Saturday, December 15, 2012

I slept wonderfully last night!  I think I have finally adjusted to the time change.  I woke up early to read and study myBible.  Apparently, I am preachingon Sunday.  LOL  All was well until Barbara turned onthe TV and we saw on Cnn about the tragic school shooting in Connecticut. It was so sad.  Some of thechildren were in the room with us and it was so quiet as we watched.  It was night time in America as we werejust waking.  All the childrengathered together and we had a time of prayer for the loved ones of thechildren and adults who were killed and for the shooters family.  It was so very sad.  The children have such hearts ofcompassion. 

Shortly afterward I was told my luggage was here.  Yeah!!!  We went downtown to the carrier and got my bag and then wentto Simon’s computer place.  Therewe scanned all the documents needed to file a claim with Kenya airways becausethe entire side of my luggage was busted. It was great to see Simon. He was so surprised.  I amhoping to see his wife Carol before I leave as well.  Next, we stopped by the fruit stand to pick up some melons,mangos, pineapple & some other fruit I did not recognize.  Then we headed home. 

I was so excited to have my bag!  I handed out the Miss Pattycake DVD’s and Elisa Comer’sChristmas Cd.  Before long everyonewas enjoying fruit and dancing to Elisa’s Christmas Cd.  It definitely felt like Christmas.  The children were anxious to watch MissPattycake.  So after the fruit wasconsumed everyone piled into the living area to watch Miss Pattycake.  I began to shower and get dressed in MYclean clothes.  Yippee! It is the little things in lifethat make me happy.

We spent the whole day in the Kakamega rainforest.  The children had such a greattime.  We had a picnic with peanutbutter & jelly sandwiches, chips & juice. Then we had a guide take usthrough the rainforest.  Thechildren loved the monkeys, the safari ants that attack and the Sand papertrees.  Although, I was a bitworried to learn that the python, cobra and Leopard all live in the rainforstas well.  Our guide insured us wewould not encounter them because they were nocturnal.  Not so sure about that one!  I have lots of great pictures. But since it takes an hour toupload just one picture.  I willhave to wait until I return home to share pictures.  When we got home we had Chapati. We were going to also havecake but we were way too full.  Itwas a very fun day for all.  

Picnic Time

6 loaves of bread, 5 bags of chips, peanut butter & Jelly = Lunch

Can you spot the Monkey in the tree?

Tea Plantation on the edge of the rainforest

Looking out over the grasslands from the top of the watch tower

Chapati & green grams
The kiddos eating Chapati