Day 4
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I slept wonderfully last night! I think I have finally adjusted to the time change. I woke up early to read and study myBible. Apparently, I am preachingon Sunday. LOL All was well until Barbara turned onthe TV and we saw on Cnn about the tragic school shooting in Connecticut. It was so sad. Some of thechildren were in the room with us and it was so quiet as we watched. It was night time in America as we werejust waking. All the childrengathered together and we had a time of prayer for the loved ones of thechildren and adults who were killed and for the shooters family. It was so very sad. The children have such hearts ofcompassion.
Shortly afterward I was told my luggage was here. Yeah!!! We went downtown to the carrier and got my bag and then wentto Simon’s computer place. Therewe scanned all the documents needed to file a claim with Kenya airways becausethe entire side of my luggage was busted. It was great to see Simon. He was so surprised. I amhoping to see his wife Carol before I leave as well. Next, we stopped by the fruit stand to pick up some melons,mangos, pineapple & some other fruit I did not recognize. Then we headed home.
I was so excited to have my bag! I handed out the Miss Pattycake DVD’s and Elisa Comer’sChristmas Cd. Before long everyonewas enjoying fruit and dancing to Elisa’s Christmas Cd. It definitely felt like Christmas. The children were anxious to watch MissPattycake. So after the fruit wasconsumed everyone piled into the living area to watch Miss Pattycake. I began to shower and get dressed in MYclean clothes. Yippee! It is the little things in lifethat make me happy.
We spent the whole day in the Kakamega rainforest. The children had such a greattime. We had a picnic with peanutbutter & jelly sandwiches, chips & juice. Then we had a guide take usthrough the rainforest. Thechildren loved the monkeys, the safari ants that attack and the Sand papertrees. Although, I was a bitworried to learn that the python, cobra and Leopard all live in the rainforstas well. Our guide insured us wewould not encounter them because they were nocturnal. Not so sure about that one! I have lots of great pictures. But since it takes an hour toupload just one picture. I willhave to wait until I return home to share pictures. When we got home we had Chapati. We were going to also havecake but we were way too full. Itwas a very fun day for all.
Picnic Time |
6 loaves of bread, 5 bags of chips, peanut butter & Jelly = Lunch |
Can you spot the Monkey in the tree? |
Tea Plantation on the edge of the rainforest |
Looking out over the grasslands from the top of the watch tower |
Chapati & green grams |
The kiddos eating Chapati |
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