Thursday, December 13, 2012

Africa Day 1 & 2

December 12, 2012

I arrived in Nairobi and was greeted by Barbara, Vicki’s daughter who is attending college in Nairobi.  The airline lost my luggage and I was told it would be delivered to Kakamega when it was located.  Barbara has facebook on her phone so I was able to update my status on facebook to let everyone know I arrived safely.  Barbara and I went to look for a dress in Nairobi.  It was so early and not many of the stores were open yet.  We did not have any luck finding a dress. I tried to call my friend Alanna who is in Nairobi and had no luck getting through to her.  We went back to the airport and I waited for my plane that would take me to Kisumu.  I was very tired and fell asleep waiting on the plane to come.  I met a young girl from Austaslia who was going to Kisumu to volunteer with an organization to help children in Africa.  I told her to please make sure I woke up to board the plane. I woke up long enough to board the plane and then I slept all the way to Kisumu.  When I arrived, Ms. Vicki, Ivy & Boy was there to greet me.  It is about and hour and a half drive to Kakamega from Kisumu.  It was 3:00 pm in Kissumu and 8 am in the US.  When we arrived in Kakamega we stopped at the Nakumatt (Kenya’s version of walmart).  I found a dress to wear and bought some bottled water.  We then went on to Victorious Children’s Home.  I was greeted by two rows of children singing my name and praising God for my arrival.  I was so honored to be welcomed in such a way. 

I showered and changed into my new dress and went to bed.  After a nap, I called home and was able to talk with Jamie and the girls.  I then visited with the children and Vicki.  Later we had dinner consisting of rice with goat meat, some greens, and little bananas.  Just for the record I did not eat the goat meat since I am a vegetarian.  I did eat goat last time I was here.  It is very tasty.  After dinner it was bed time J

December 13, 2012

I awoke to the sound of roosters crowing then drifted back to sleep. Later I heard all the boys leaving for the field.  Vicki is blessed with several older boys who help in the field where they have planted sugar cane.  They are growing sugar cane to sell to help pay for tuition for the children’s school.   No one had to wake them.  They just get up and happily tend the field when they are home on break from their school.

I took a walk around the property and then sat in the shade and watched the younger children play a game of “monkeys”.  Later, Boy drove Ms. Vicki & I to town.  They took me to the “farm” which is the field that they lease to grow sugar cane.  However, we were not able to go in town to purchase the freezer due to a riot at the University.  We had to turn around and come home.  I took a nap and hung out with the children.  I woke up with a phone call from Kenya Airways saying my bags were on the way to Kakamega but one of them was busted.  No worries.  I have one dress and that is all I really need. 

We had Ugali, pumpkin leaves and banana for dinner.  After dinner we had Thursday prayer time.  The children sang and prayed.  We would sing a song and them pray for a while.  Sing another song and pray again. It was a sweet, sweet time with the Lord.  Children’s hearts are so pure.  I love worshiping with them.  I learned that there are some people in town who are envious of Ms. Vicki and the orphanage and they would like to shut it down.  Ms. Vicki told them it was God’s orphanage and only he can shut it down.  The children here have so little and at the same time they have so much.  Joy abounds in this house.  Children would pass by my window today and I could hear them singing and praising the Lord as they went about their work.  The joy of the Lord overflows through them.

After prayer time I told some of the children a story.  We had a good time laughing.  Then the girls wanted to play school with me. Eleven of them came into my room.  I taught them some English and they taught me Swahili.  I am sure I will not remember any of the words in the morning but it was a fun time of fellowship.
The power was off and on most of the evening.  I asked Vicki about a generator, she said she had one but did not have fuel.  I told her we shall get fuel tomorrow!
 While talking with Boy, who has been our driver, I asked him what his favorite food was.  He said Chipotti  (I am sure I did not spell it correctly).  The kitchen ladies said it is made with white flour and oil.   I told him we shall get white flour and oil at the store tomorrow and everyone said it was Christmas.  Apparently, That is a very special treat for them.  Even the kitchen workers were excited about making it. 

The girls love to all pile in my room and “teach” me things.  We had a good time sharing stories and scripture with each other.  After everyone left, Sophy asked if she could stay a bit longer with me.  She needed to talk.  I found out that she has no shoes or Bible and would really like an encyclopedia.  I have added that to my list for tomorrow.  She was almost in tears asking me for those simple things.  I thank the Lord that he has sent me here this Christmas season to share his love and light to the children.  Many thanks to all who helped me get here.   Time to rest now.  I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.  Praying my bags will be here tomorrow!

I hope to upload some pictures tomorrow.  The internet is so slow here. 

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