Thursday, December 20, 2012

Journey to Africa: Holland

The journey to Africa: Holland

I flew from TRI to ATL and then to Amsterdam.  I had been worried about my layover inAmsterdam because I did not speak Dutch and I did not know much about Amsterdam.  Thankfully, God gave me a very sweetman to sit beside on the plane who was actually from Harlem, a suburb of Amsterdam. Harlem is where the Corrie tenBoom house stands.  He was aretired flight attendant and his wife was currently working as a flightattendant.  He pulled out the“Holland Herald” and proceeded to tell me everything about Holland.  He said since I had a long layover Ishould get out of the airport and take a canal tour; so I did.  I bought a train ticket to centralstation and waited on my train. Then I heard the trains were not running by order of the firebrigade.  I decided that was not agood sign.  So I bought a busticket to central station and then had to get off that bus and catch the metroto get to central station.  (Sidenote: I forgot pot was legal in Holland and boy was I surpised at the smells inthe bus station.  No worries, I didn’tinhale.  LOL) Finally I made it andhad a wonderful tour of the canal. I was able to see Central station, lots of fabulous boat houses,buildings from the 15th century,  an opera house, the Anne Frank house, The Jewish historicalmuseum, Magere Brug, The flower market, Madame Tussads, The royal palace, TheNemo science museum and the Van gogh café before I had to head back to catch mynext flight.  I wish I could haveseen the Ruks museum where the Rembrandt paintings are and the Van GoghMuseum.  I love Van Gogh!  Who knew Amsterdam would be so muchfun!   I think I would like to spend a week there.  

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