Thursday, December 20, 2012

Africa Day 3

Day 3
Friday, December 14, 2012

I did not sleep well last night.  I lay in bed awake most of the night. It was good though, I was able to spend lots of time in prayer, reading my Bible & I finished the book I had started.  I heard the big boys get up to got to the field to work.  Shortly afterward my door crept open and the next thing I knew Ashley was in my bed.  I read the last chapter of my book to her.  It was a very productive day.  Vicki, Barbara, Ivy, Ashley, Sophy & I shopped for Victorious Children’s Home.  Our list consisted of books, paper, pens, games, soccer balls, rice, beans, oil, flour, popcorn, backpacks, shoes, Dolls, a dvd player, a freezer and a stove.

Yeah God!  After all the shopping, I was hungry so we went to shieywe to eat.  It was a special treat and best of all I was able to visit with my dear friend Milcar.  I love her!  She is a dear, sweet lady.  I was also able to see her Uncle as well.  He is a good man with a heart of gold.

As you can imagine there was much excitement when we returned to VCH!  The children were so excited and praising God for his provision.  I spent the remainder of the evening sharing pictures and music with the children and playing games.  The joy of the Lord abounds in this place.  Then I was privileged to rock a sweet little baby to sleep. A perfect ending to a great day!

Boys with their new ball

Praise with her barbie and other items

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They were all very excited!

The outside kitchen

The inside kitchen

new stove

new freezer

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