Monday, August 26, 2013

Fall Fuse retreat

The fall Fuse retreat for our 5th & 6th graders was a blast! We rented Bancroft Bible Camp in kingsport, Tn.  We had a couple decisions for Christ and I had the honor of Baptizing Chloe Puckett! 

We did a great bible study by precepts called "evil".  It was a study of job.  Our guest speakers were Scott & Lynn Kain.  We also had lots of messy games, swimming, hiking, zip line, card games and more.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Summer Sensation!

As we ended the last school assembly of the 2012-2013 school year in May, I took a deep breath and said "Ahh, Summer is here!"  Lazy days and long afternoons by the pool right?  Guess again.  God had bigger things planned for me this summer.   It started with an amazing Mission trip to Tyler, TX June 13-23 with 28 Middle school students.  We had Missionary training at Teen Mania and then we hit the local parks to do VBS in the mornings and spent the afternoons at the Salvation Army or The Local Food Bank.  Several Children came to know the Lord and our teens learned how to share the gospel & give their testimony!

We drove back to church on Sunday June 23 and I literally unloaded the luggage for our teens and then drove straight to Camp Placid to begin our children's camp for 3rd-6th grade and our day camp for 1st-3rd grade.  Our theme was Gold Rush... discovering the rock of ages.  Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also!  Several more children chose to follow Christ during this time and eight children were baptized in the pool at camp. We had amazing worship.  You could just feel the Spirit of the Lord  hovering in the air as we sang.    It was such a joyous occasion.  Camp ended with many happy memories and a few scrapes from the grass at the end of the slip n' slide:)

I was 16 days in a camp bunk bed either in Texas or Tennessee.  I was thankful for my bed when I crashed that first evening.We had a one week turn around to get camp supplies reorganized in the resource room and pull out the supplies for Worship Arts Camp which began today, July 8!  We are off to a fun week of art, dance, drama, music & science. Worship Arts Camp ends July 12 and 2 weeks later we will be back in the schools for our assemblies.  I can't wait to see all those smiling faces!

Lots of pictures are posted on my Facebook page.  Feel free to stalk them and tag yourselves.

Plenty of stuff happening this fall! Don't miss the fun!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sleeping with the sharks: fuse 56

Loaded the bus and headed off the ripley's Aquarium. We had a great time of worship & teaching on the bus. We arrived and entered the aquarium only to realize that I left the check for the aquarium in my car in the church parking lot 2 hours away :). Minor detail! No worries we worked it out. Thank you Sandy & Teddy Miller for bringing us the check. We began carrying all the luggage into the aquarium and then realized that we also had the bus driver's luggage. The bus driver and his wife are staying in a hotel in gatlinburg. They did come back to retrieve their luggage. So, it has been a comedy of errors .

The children of course had no idea any of that happened because they were so excited to be at the Aquarium. They quickly made themselves at home in the classroom and began asking questions. We had a pizza snack and then squid dissection. Next then children went on a scavenger hunt in the aquarium followed by a question and answer session in the classroom and instructions for lights out :)

Eventful day!

Finishing March & beginning April

As I reflect on all the activities that have happened since my last post and look forward on my calendar to what the summer will bring, I thank The Lord for the talented, creative & dedicated volunteers who serve each week with me. Their hearts are sold out to The Lord and his love radiates through them. So very blessed to serve with them!!!!!!

We have really been focused on service in the children's ministry this spring with "spring into service". We painted the fence at Holston Home for children & finished up our last month of service for the spring at Salvation Army. The children have loved serving dinner at the Salvation Army!

Our school assemblies have been a blast! The chick-fil-a cow has joined us to wrap up the end of our school assemblies. We have one assembly left in April and two chapels in May at a couple local Christian schools. Our school assemblies will come to a close for the 2012-13 school year after these. I love hanging out with the kids, teachers, staff and principals at these schools. They get it... Core Values are important and vital for a child's success in life. This months value = friendship

I had the honor of being apart of several baptisms on the weekend of April 13-14. I am always excited to see young people chose to obey God and tell the world they love Jesus through baptism. God is so good and I thank Him for each one of the decisions that were made to follow him and commit their lives to him.

We took a fun caving trip to Appalachian caverns after church on Sunday April 21. Relationships were built, new friendships were made and our spelunking skills were put to the test. It was great to know I could fit through a hole the size of a piece of notebook paper 😀 lol!

The spirit of The Lord is really moving at Celebration Church right now. We had a wonderful time of worship last weekend led by our youth band. It was so great because many of the teens playing and singing on stage actually volunteer in children's Ministry. The children loved seeing them serve The Lord through music and worship. They did a fabulous job!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March Whirlwind

It has been a very busy month!  So Busy I could hardly find time to post anything, please forgive me.

We have had several school assemblies this month.  Our good friend Sandy Kneffel and her monkey Kumba joined us as we talked about Honesty using Core essentials.  We have one more school assembly left this month.

Learned way more than I wanted to know about Child Abuse at our teacher training given by the Children's Advocacy Center. I am so thankful for those who serve, protect and advocate on behalf of the children in our communities.
Helped remove lice from a sweet family associated with one of our local schools.  

Attended the Food Show in Gatlinburg to pick out food for camp.  I sampled so much food I thought I was going to bust.  I had a great time hanging out with a few ladies that I love to work with, Debbie, Carol & Sandy.  We also made so new friends that work for Reinhart foods and were recruited to help greet and hand out goodie bags with them.  It was a fun time.

Helped Celebrate my Sweet friend Angie Bundy's Birthday. 

The Fuse 56 Retreat: Sleep with the Sharks was lots of fun.  We studied the book of Daniel and learned how to resolve to be like Daniel and live for God!  It was pretty cool watching all the sharks swim above our heads as we drifted off to sleep.

 Enjoyed some girl time and laughs with facials & fondue with a few friends.

Did some major Bible studying in Chattanooga at the Precepts Ministries campus.  I took classes on the Old Testament, The New Testament, Spiritual Gifts & Bible timeline: How the Bible fits together.
My favorite class was Bible timeline, however, my hands may never recover from all the notes I took.  While I was there, Jack Authur, co-founder of Precepts celebrated his birthday and it was a privilege to be there and celebrate with him.

Planned, practiced and costumed with all those acting out the Easter Story for Children's Worship.  We are so very blessed to have such dedicated teens to help teach our children.  I am forever thankful for all those who serve in Children's Ministry and help impart God's word each week.

Met my new friend, Kevin, while serving dinner at the Salvation Army.  Kevin is a sweet soul.  The children had the opportunity to lay hands on him and pray for him as he is trying to figure out God's will for his life.  With the help of a few friends, we found him a place to sleep for the night equipped with a shower and laundry facilities.  He is going to help work at The Branch House, an outreach and recovery center under construction by Celebrating Freedom, tomorrow.  Asking you to lift him up in prayer even as you are reading this.

Whew, I am tired just thinking about all that has happened this month.  I am also so blessed to be apart of all of it.   This week is full of preparation for Easter.  The children at Celebration Church will experience the sights, sounds and smells as the experience "The Jerusalem Marketplace", complete with carpentry, jewelry making, weaving, a scribe shop, bakery and Live animals.  So excited for our children to be able to experience 33 AD as we reenact the Easter Story!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Salvation Army Dinner

Thanks to all those who helped serve dinner at the salvation army last night.  It was great to see some of the same faces we saw last month.  Praying for several of them this morning.  I personally had a super time getting to know a few more people who came last night to eat dinner. 

This song came to mind as I was praying for several of my new friends.  Praying for jobs, housing, healed relationships and clear direction for several of my new friends.

Numbers 13-14

It was a great weekend learning about the 12 spies from Numbers 13-14.  Here is the weekend video in case you were unable to make it.

This is the lesson for 1st-4th grades.  Preschool and 5th & 6th Grade have a different lesson each week.  Just fyi.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Numbers 1-11

Today we began our study of Numbers.  If you missed church or just want to see the lesson again, since we had a bit of technical difficulty with the second video, here they are.

Click here to see the wrap up video

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Teen Leader Retreat Part 2 :)

We had lunch in our rooms ... Sandwiches :)  then we headed back down to the conference room to dig into the Word.

We spent a lot of time in Matthew & 1 John examining the foundation for Mercy and Justice, which is Love.  We talked about agape love which in like love in action.  We discussed how the Holy Spirit dwells within us and can lead us to love even the most unlovable people.

God’s Love and Ours

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
13 This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
19 We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.

Wow!  Ya think God wants us to LOVE?? The Foundation of mercy and justice is built on Love for God and for others.  We should let love be the motivation for all we do.

After that great teaching, we took a break and hit the water:)

After swim time we had a Pizza Dinner followed by more worship and our last teaching, "The Time is Now".   We discusses How to get started living a life of mercy and justice. 1. Begin to identify your spiritual gifts, talents and abilities.
2. Look for those who have needs among those you interact with everyday. 
3. Examine you discretionary money.  You can sponsor a child for $1 a day.
4. Look into serving in church outreach programs and other ministries that fit your gifting.

Our Main mission: to demonstrate mercy and do justice so people will know the goodness and love of Jesus.  It may not be pretty, in fact it is often a dirty job, but you are called to do it.  Let's get dirty :)


Teen Leader Retreat

We headed to the wilderness lodge to enjoy some great teaching by Mickey Hummel and Ms. Carletta...lotta :)  We also have had time to enjoy hanging out and swimming with friends this weekend.

When we arrived we ate BBQ, checked in our rooms and hit the swimming pool.  We had late night teaching & worship from 10-12pm.  Jonathan Russell blessed us by leading worship and then we dove into out teaching time.  We had chosen a teen study called " Dirty Jobs".  The study is based on our children's ministry verse Micah 6:8 " And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."  Last night we talked about living a life pleasing to God and what that would look like.We determined that WE are the plan to relieve the poor, the needy, and the sick. We're to reach out to those with no friends, those who feel like they don't belong, those who are made fun of and ridiculed, those who are desperate or hungry.  

This morning we explored what Jesus teaches us about doing justice and loving mercy.   " Jesus gets dirty".    He heals the sick, raises the dead, Cleansed the lepers and cast out demons!  
Matthew 9:37 "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Mathew 10:1 "Jesus summoned His disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of sickness"


We had a great time this month talking about Peace.  It was a challenge to find the Doves, actually homing Pigeons. Special thanks to the American Racing Pigeon Society for helping us find them.

No one has a bigger influence on a child than his or her family!
That's why it's so important to share the values at HOME and at SCHOOL.

This month your child is learning about PEACE in school:
 proving you care more about each other than winning an argument.

We hope you'll enjoy this monthly ezine
(ezine = emailed newsletter!)
and get some ideas for talking about PEACE with your family.

Car Time -
Enjoy a song about PEACE while in the car.
Listen to a preview HERE of "Give up the fight." 
It's also easily downloadable to your phone or iPod for $1.39 a

Open Wide - Just for Fun:   
What skill do you have that you could use to help someone else?

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps to promote world peace and friendship. Since that time, nearly 200,000 Americans have committed to spending two years in one of 139 host countries. These volunteers work with local governments, communities and schools to meet needs in education, business, information technology, agriculture and the environment. In doing so, they're not only providing training and assistance, but they're promoting international understanding and cooperation.

 * Do you know someone who is frequently angry and often in a fight? Do you know someone who almost never gets in a fight? What makes these people different?
* What are some characteristics of people who are peacemakers?
* What are some things you can do on a regular basis to help you become a peace maker rather than a peace breaker?
* How can we help each other stay committed to being peacemakers on a regular basis?

Rest Time - (K-2): The Conquerors by: David McKee; The general of a large and mighty country invades and conquers each of its neighboring countries, one by one. Eventually, all the countries in the world are conquered but one... a country so small it doesn't even have an army. And so, when the day comes that the general is unable to resist invading the small country, the outcome is inevitable. Or is it?

(3-5): One Thousand Paper Cranes: The Story of Sadako and the Children's Peace Statue by: Ishii Takayuki; Ten years after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Sadako Sasaki died as a result of atomic bomb disease. Sadako's determination to fold one thousand paper cranes and her courageous struggle with her illness inspired her classmates. After her death, they started a national campaign to build the Children's Peace Statue to remember Sadako and the many other children who were victims of the Hiroshima bombing. On top of the statue is a girl holding a large crane in her outstretched arms. Today in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, this statue of Sadako is beautifully decorated with thousands of paper cranes given by people throughout the world.

Experience: One of the greatest threats to a peaceful life for your child is bullying. Whether they are involved or not, bullying affects their perception of their environment. Spend some time this month talking about what to do if your child is being bullied, bullying someone, or observes bullying. Come up with a plan for each of these scenarios and talk about the importance of caring about each person enough to stop bullying.