Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sleeping with the sharks: fuse 56

Loaded the bus and headed off the ripley's Aquarium. We had a great time of worship & teaching on the bus. We arrived and entered the aquarium only to realize that I left the check for the aquarium in my car in the church parking lot 2 hours away :). Minor detail! No worries we worked it out. Thank you Sandy & Teddy Miller for bringing us the check. We began carrying all the luggage into the aquarium and then realized that we also had the bus driver's luggage. The bus driver and his wife are staying in a hotel in gatlinburg. They did come back to retrieve their luggage. So, it has been a comedy of errors .

The children of course had no idea any of that happened because they were so excited to be at the Aquarium. They quickly made themselves at home in the classroom and began asking questions. We had a pizza snack and then squid dissection. Next then children went on a scavenger hunt in the aquarium followed by a question and answer session in the classroom and instructions for lights out :)

Eventful day!

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