As I reflect on all the activities that have happened since my last post and look forward on my calendar to what the summer will bring, I thank The Lord for the talented, creative & dedicated volunteers who serve each week with me. Their hearts are sold out to The Lord and his love radiates through them. So very blessed to serve with them!!!!!!
We have really been focused on service in the children's ministry this spring with "spring into service". We painted the fence at Holston Home for children & finished up our last month of service for the spring at Salvation Army. The children have loved serving dinner at the Salvation Army!
Our school assemblies have been a blast! The chick-fil-a cow has joined us to wrap up the end of our school assemblies. We have one assembly left in April and two chapels in May at a couple local Christian schools. Our school assemblies will come to a close for the 2012-13 school year after these. I love hanging out with the kids, teachers, staff and principals at these schools. They get it... Core Values are important and vital for a child's success in life. This months value = friendship
I had the honor of being apart of several baptisms on the weekend of April 13-14. I am always excited to see young people chose to obey God and tell the world they love Jesus through baptism. God is so good and I thank Him for each one of the decisions that were made to follow him and commit their lives to him.
We took a fun caving trip to Appalachian caverns after church on Sunday April 21. Relationships were built, new friendships were made and our spelunking skills were put to the test. It was great to know I could fit through a hole the size of a piece of notebook paper 😀 lol!
The spirit of The Lord is really moving at Celebration Church right now. We had a wonderful time of worship last weekend led by our youth band. It was so great because many of the teens playing and singing on stage actually volunteer in children's Ministry. The children loved seeing them serve The Lord through music and worship. They did a fabulous job!
I love reading your blog. You are such an inspiration. These children are blessed to have you too Melinda.